Telephone: 705.640.0668
We are excited to be offering a summer program for pre-teens and young teens who would benefit from assistance in developing basic independent life skills. The small-group session will be supervised by an occupational therapist and a communications disorders assistant.
What skills will my child learn?
Before the program, our occupational therapist will screen your child's abilities. The findings will then be used to tailor the sessions to your child’s individual needs. The results will also be used to set realistic goals and measure progress at the end of the program.
During camp, we will focus on the following skills:
Personal hygiene
Leisure skills
Healthy eating
Safety in the community
Functional literacy
Emotional regulation and social skills
At the end of the program, you will receive a brief outline of the skills addressed, progress made, and suggestions for next steps.
What are the camp details?
The camp takes place at our Aspire Speech office at 20 Ida Street in Bracebridge, Ontario. We are offering the following two sessions this summer:
July 15 to 19 morning session (9 a.m. to 12 p.m.) $450
July 15 to 19 afternoon session (1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.) $450
If your child is a flight risk, engages in self-injurious behaviour, or displays aggressive behaviour towards others, a 1:1 worker may be required. Please reach out to the office before registering.
Does the camp qualify for funding?
​This program may be claimed using your private health insurance under occupational therapy. Please check with your insurance provider about coverage details and amounts. If your child has a formal disability diagnosis you can claim the cost as an expense for income tax.
The Children's Foundation of Muskoka provides funding for children and youth to attend residential, day camps, and summer programs in Muskoka. Full-time residents of Muskoka with a household income below $65,000 are eligible to apply through their website.